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Cervical Smear & Colposcopy

The smear test looks for changes in the cells of the cervix, which could turn into cervical cancer if not treated. Additionally, the smear assesses for presence of HPV (human papillomavirus).


What to expect at your appointment:


  • Consultation with one of our female consultant gynaecologists

  • Full history to assess for risk factors

  • Examination of cervix with a speculum and cervical cell smear taken

  • Notification of results , which usually take around one week

  • Written medical report which can be posted or emailed to yourself and health professional(s) of your choice

  • Referral to further specialist if required (e.g. for a colposcopy)



Approximately 1 in 20 smear tests will come back with an abnormal result, although only 1% of these abnormal smears are a results of a cervical cancer. If changes are picked up on your cervical smear you may be referred on to have a colposcopy. Other reasons for referral include vaginal bleeding after sex or the finding of either a polyp or abnormalities on your cervix, which may have been identified on a scan or on examination. At Miss Claire Mellon & Associates, our specialist Colposcopist is Miss Rebecca Gibbs.


A colposcopy is similar to a cervical smear, in that you are examined by one of our gynaecologists with a speculum. A variety of dyes and solutions are then applied to the cervix and visualised through a microscope. If abnormalities are highlighted, a small biopsy (sample of tissue) may be taken for further analysis. Local anaesthetic is always available for pain relief. If significant abnormalities are picked up on your biopsy, you may require further surgical management.


What to expect at your appointment


  • Consultation with one of our female consultant gynaecologists in our treatment room

  • Examination of cervix with speculum and, if needed, a biopsy / immediate treatment

  • Notification of results

  • Written medical report which can be posted or emailed to yourself and health professional(s) of your choice

  • If required, surgery will be arranged at The Portland Hospital

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